

It isn’t compulsory to enter the club competitions, in fact, less than half the membership do so. It is however a good way to pick up advice from photographic judges. The judge will present you with a brief constructive critique for you to take on board. It is never meant to discourage, quite the opposite in fact, so take note of what is said about your image and that of other entrants. You’ll always get some good tips during a competition night.

Our completions this year are:

THEME Date of Competition Hand in by date
OPEN 09/10/24 25/9/24
REFLECTIONS 11/12/24 20/11/24
OPEN 22/1/25 8/1/25
SONG TITLES 19/2/25 5/2/25
THE ANNUAL 26/3/25 12/3/25


The Monthly Competition procedure has changed slightly and is now limited to 3 images per category i.e.  Up to 3 DPI plus 3 Prints per member per competition.

Entry forms are available online – just click the form links below, and it will open in a new tab:

Competition Forms and Rules

All entries must be accompanied by an appropriate printed form. The forms can be completed and printed directly from the screen OR, just printed as blank documents and completed by hand. Fields are highlighted on-screen in blue, depending on your browser. If using MS Edge or Firefox then right-click on the link and Save As / Save link to download the form. In Chrome, right-click and Save Link as. You can complete a form on-screen within the browser if using Chrome, just type in the appropriate field by first clicking on it. You can also move from field to field by using the tab key. If using a Smartphone you must have an appropriate .PDF reader APP installed. If e-mailing the form DON’T FORGET TO “SAVE” THE FORM or your changes will be lost and you’ll end up sending a blank form. A suggestion for naming the file could be “your name_annual_2017″

or if you prefer,

the form can just be saved to your computer, opened using a suitable PDF reader such as “Adobe Reader” and then completed on screen before saving and printing.

(NB: The form may not be editable on some tablets or phones, it has been tested on a variety, but not all, pdf readers and seems to be OK) 


Monthly Competition Rules

Monthly Competition entry form

Annual rules

Annual entry form

Digital entries and forms can be emailed DIRECTLY to the Internal Competition Secretary.


Click on the link below to open your mail client

Internal competition Secretary

NB: Watch your file size, most mailboxes have a size limit for attachments of 15-25Mb

Please note that as a temporary measure, the job of ICS will be shared between Secretary Fiona Kilgour and Chair Ford Renton. Either can be contacted if you have any queries

The club has a new Data Policy for 2018 as required under EU regulations. It is available on its own from the link on our homepage and is also, for convenience,  printed on the reverse of the above forms. There is no need to print this out, only page 1 of the forms is required for entry.

Below are the current club rules applying to beginners.


When a person first joins the Club, they should declare themselves a “beginner” or “intermediate/Advanced” on the application form. It is entirely up to the new member.

There is no limit on the time period a member can remain as a beginner. Competition entries are judged as a whole with special consideration given to those members entering as beginners. If a judge considers a beginner image worthy of an award or commendation within the standard class then he or she should do so. Beginner members receiving an award or commendation within the standard class will automatically be moved to the standard class from the start of the following season.

There are points awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in club competitions as well as commended images.  There will be a beginners’ points competition and an award for the best beginner over the 4 club competitions.  There is also an award for the best beginner in the Annual Competition.

NB: At the bottom of both Club and Annual entry forms there is a check box. By checking the box you agree to allow the club to use your images in future inter-club competitions, or for publicity. Normally, publicity means the club can publish your image in the local newspaper or post it on our website. It helps the club a lot if you agree to this as it aids the promotion of the club and saves time and effort asking for permissions later. Any images posted on this website may have a discrete “Gala CC” watermark on them to deter copying.

If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat Reader click here for a free download of the latest version.