Many camera clubs have a club project. Something for all members to contribute to. For example, Beeslack/Penicuik camera club did a year-long project to photograph and document the old railway routes around Penicuik. The end-product was an Audio-Visual presentation which is now used by Visit Scotland (I think), or maybe it was the local tourist authority, to promote walks in the area.
Gala camera club needs a project too. It would involve all members who can become involved by as much or as little a degree as they want.
An idea muted by Mike Gray to have Gala Town Trail as a competition theme prompted me to think why not use this as a club project? Members could take images following the town trail and upload
them to a folder. From there we can collate and edit the images using some as demos for practical nights or online videos. Creating an AV or book or both could also be part of a practical exercise for our members.
The final product may be useful to the likes of Energise Galashiels, or Galashiels Heartland of the Borders. We might even be able to persuade the town bands to provide some music for it.
Make the images something a little different, not just snaps. Think of it as you may want to see in a magazine. You can practice all sorts of techniques too. Panoramas, Long Exposures, B &W, etc, even abstract images. Name the file in such a way so we know what it is e.g. Old Gala House or Scott Street. They should be full-sized .jpg files at res 240 dpi (in case we need to print them later) Don’t upload the RAW file yet. If there is potential for a post-processing demo, then we may ask for the RAW file.
Members have been sent an email with the above-mentioned upload links.
Download the Town Trail